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Orthodox Christian calendar year 2023 (current year)
Orthodox Calendar - January
(31 days; day has 10 hours, night 14 hours)
1 D
(†) Circumcision according to the flesh of the Lord; †) St. Hierarch Basil the Great, archbishop. Caesarea of Cappadocia and her mother St. Emilia (Tedeum - New Year) (No weddings) Sunday before the Baptism of the Lord (John's Baptism); App. Colossians II, 8-12; Hebrews XIII, 17-21; II Timothy IV, 5-8; Heb. Luke II, 20-21; 40-52; Mark I, 1-8; voice 4, voscr. 7
2 L
Before the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord; St. Sylvester, ep. Rome; St. St. Seraphim of Sarov; (No weddings)
3 M
St. Malachi the Prophet; St. Mr. Gordie (No weddings)
4 M
The Council of St. 70 Apostles; St. St. Theoctistus of Sicily; St. Cuv. Apolinaria (Maps. No weddings)
5 J
St. Teopempt and St. Teonas; St. St. Sinclitichia (The Eve of the Baptism of the Lord) (Lent) No weddings)
6 V
(†) The Baptism of the Lord (Epiphany - Divine Appearance) (Maps. No weddings)
7 S
St. John the Baptist and Forerunner of the Lord (Saturday after the Baptism of the Lord)
8 D
St. George Hozevitul; St. George Hozevitul; The Lord's Supper Sunday after the Baptism of the Lord (the beginning of the Lord's preaching); Ap. Ephesians IV, 7-13; Heb. Matthew IV, 12-17; voice 5, voscr. 8
9 L
Sf. Mc. Polieuct; Sf. Jer. Peter, ep. Sevastia
10 M
St. Gregory, ep. Nyssei; †) St. Antipas of Calapodesti; St. Ier. Dometian, ep. Melitenei;
11 M
St. Theodosius, the beginner of the common religious life in Palestine; St. Cuv. Vitalie (Untying to oil and wine. No weddings)
12 J
St. Tatiana the Deaconess and Eutasia
13 V
†) St. Mgr. Ermil and Stratonic; St. Jer. Jacob, ep. of Nisibis; (Post. No weddings)
14 S
Odovania of the feast of the Baptism of the Lord; St. St. Mark of Sinai and Rait; St. Nina, the skylight of Georgia;
15 D
St. Paul Thebeul and John Colibasul The 21st Sunday after Pentecost (of the 10 lepers); Ap. Colossians I, 12-18; Ev. Luke XVII, 12-19; voice 6, voscr. 9
16 L
The veneration of the chain of St. Ap. Peter; St. McDanact the reader
17 M
†) St. Anthony the Great; St. St. Anthony the New of Veria
18 M
† St. Athanasius and Cyril, Archbishop. Alexandria (Release from Oil and Wine) No weddings)
19 J
St. Macarius the Great and Macarius the Alexandrian;St. St. Mark, Metropolitan of Ephesus; St. Mark Euphrasia
20 V
†) St. Euthymius the Great; St. M. Eusebius, In, Pine, and Rim; (Untying to Oil and Wine. No weddings)
21 S
St. Maximus Mart.; St. Mc. Neofit; St. Mgr Agnia of Rome
22 D
St. Timothy the Apostle; St. St. Anastasius the Persian XXXIIth Sunday after Pentecost (of Zacchaeus); Ap. I Timothy IV, 9-15; Heb. Luke XIX, 1-10; voice 7, voscr. 10
23 L
St. Clement, Ep. Ancirei; Sf. Mc Agatanghel; Sf. Fathers of the Sixth Ecumenical Council
24 M
St. Xenia of Rome; St. Xenia of Saint Petersburg (Tedeum - Unification Day of the Romanian Principalities)
25 M
†) St. Gregory the Theologian, Archbishop. Constantinople; †) St. Jer. Bretanion, ep. Tomisului (Untieing oil and wine. No weddings)
26 J
†) St. Joseph the Merciful, Metropolitan Moldavia; St. Xenophon, Mary, Arcadius and John
27 V
† Bringing the relics of St. Jer. John Chrysostom; St. Marciana, imp. (Untying to oil and wine. No weddings)
28 S
St. Ephraim the Syrian, Isaac the Syrian, Palladius and Jacob the Hermit
29 D
Bringing the relics of St. Ignatius the Theophore; St. Philotheos 17th Sunday after Pentecost (of Canaan); Ap. II Corinthians VI, 16-18; VII, 1; Heb. Matthew XV, 21-28; voice 8, voscr. 11
30 L
†) St. Three Hierarchs: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom; St. Sanctified McHippolytus, Ep. Rome
31 M
St. Cyrus and John Silver-Free Doctors
Orthodox Calendar - February
(28 days; day has 11 hours, night 13 hours)
1 M
Ahead of the Feast of the Meeting of the Lord; St. McTrifon; St. Mc. Perpetua and Felicitas (Post. No weddings)
2 J
(†) Welcome to the Lord (Stratenia); Hebrews VII, 7-17 (Matins: Luke II, 25-32) (No weddings)
3 V
St. and Righteous Simeon, Receiver of God; St. Prophecy Anna (Lent. No weddings)
4 S
St. Isidore the Pelusiot; St. Sanctified Archbishop Avramie
5 D
St. Mgr. Agatha and Theodula (The Beginning of the Triodion) Sunday the XXXIIIth after Pentecost (of the Publican and Pharisee); Ap. II Timothy III, 10-15; Heb. Luke XVIII, 10-14; voice 1, voscr. 1
6 L
St. Jer. Vucol, ep. Smyrna and Photius, p. Constantinople; St. Barsanuphius the Great
7 M
St. Jer. Parthenius, ep. Lampsacus; St. Luke of Hellas
8 M
Sf. M. Mc Teodor Stratilat; Sf. Prophet Zechariah (Maps)
9 J
Odovania of the Feast of the Meeting of the Lord; St. Nichifor
10 V
†) Saints Haralambos; Saints Mc. Valentina (Maps)
11 S
Hieromartyr Vlasie, ep. Sevastiei; Sf. Theodora, imp.
12 D
St. Meletius, Archbishop. Antioch the Great; Sf. Christ the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost (of the Return of the Prodigal Son); Ap. I Corinthians VI, 12-20; Heb. Luke XV, 11-32; voice 2, voscr. 2
13 L
St. Martinian; St. Ap. and M. Aquila and his wife, Priscilla; St. Hier. Evlogy, Pat. Alexandria
14 M
St. Augustine, Maron and Abraham
15 M
St. Onesimus Ap.; St. Major (Post. No weddings)
16 J
St. Pamphilus the priest and Valent the deacon; St. Archbishop Flavian of Constantinople
17 V
Sf. M. Teodor Tiron; Sf. Mariamne; St. Emperors Marcian and Pulcheria (Lent. No weddings)
18 S
St. Leo the Great, Ep. Rome (Commemoration of the Dead)
19 D
St. Archippus, Philemon and his wife, Apfia Sunday of the Fearful Judgment (of the meatless); Ap. I Corinthians VIII, 8-13; IX, 1-2; Heb. Matthew XXV, 31-46; voice 3, voscr. 3
20 L
St. Leo, Ep. Catania; St. Visarion (Untie the Eggs, Dairy). No weddings)
21 M
St. Timothy; St. Eustathius, Archbishop of Antioch (Egg, Dairy). No weddings)
22 M
Finding the relics of St. Mc in Constantinople (Alliturgical Day) (Untieing eggs, dairy and fish. No weddings)
23 J
Holy Father St. Polycarp, Ep. Smyrna; St. Gorgonia (Egg, Dairy). No weddings)
24 V
† First and Second Finding of the Head of St. John, the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord (Alliturgical Day) (Release to Eggs, Dairy, and Fish. No weddings)
25 S
St. Jer. Tarasios, pat. Constantinople (Holy Saturday) (Egg, Dairy) No weddings)
26 D
St. Porphyrios, ep. Gazei; St. McPhotini Samarineanca (Lent of the Seventh Century) (Egg, Dairy). There are no weddings) The Sunday of Adam's expulsion from Paradise (of the dry cheese); Ap. Romans XIII, 11-14; XIV, 1-4; Heb. Matthew VI, 14-21; voice 4, voscr. 4
27 L
St. Mart. Procopius and Thalaleus (Great Canon, Part I; Beginning of the Lenten Fast) (Alliturgical Day) (Only in the Evening, Bread and Water. No weddings)
28 M
†) St. John Cassian the Roman and Herman of Dobrogea; St. Sf. Vasile Mart.; Sf. Sanctified McProterie, Pat. Alexandria (Great Canon, Part II) (Alliturgical Day) (Only in the Evening, Bread and Water. No weddings)
Orthodox Calendar - March
(31 days; day has 12 hours, night 12 hours)
1 M
Sf. Sf. Sf. Sf. Sf. Sf. Cuv. Domnina (The Great Canon, Part III) (Lent. No weddings)
2 J
Hieromartyr Theodotos, ep. St. Hesychius (Great Canon, Part IV) (Lent. No weddings)
3 V
St. Eutropius, Cleonicus and Vasiliscus (Post. No weddings)
4 S
St. Gerasimos of Jordan; St. His Eminence Paul and his sister, Iuliana (Saturday of St. Teodor Tiron (Commemoration of the Dead) No weddings)
5 D
St. Conon of Isauria and Conon the Gardener; St. St. Mark the Hermit (Untieing Oil and Wine) There are no weddings) Sunday I of Lent (of Orthodoxy); Ap. Hebrews XI, 24-26; 32-40; Heb. John I, 43-51; voice 5, voscr. 5
6 L
St. 42 of St. Mark of Amorea; Finding the Holy Cross (Lent. No weddings)
7 M
Saints St. Basilvs, Evgeny, Capiton, Etheria, Agathodor and Elpidios, ep. of Herson; St. Sanctified McEphrem, ep. Tomisului (Lent. No weddings)
8 M
St. Jer. Mart. Theophylact, ep. Nicomedia (Lent. No weddings)
9 J
40 St. Mark of Sevastia (Commemoration of the Dead - Spring Saints) (Release from Oil and Wine) No weddings)
10 V
Mgr Codrat, Cyprian, Dionysius and those with them (Lk. No weddings)
11 S
St. Jer. Sophrony, pat. Jerusalem (Second Saturday of Lent - Commemoration of the Dead) (Release from Oil and Wine) No weddings)
12 D
St. Theophanes the Martyr. St. Gregory the Dialogist, ep. St. Symeon the New Theologian (Untieing Oil and Wine) There are no weddings) Second Sunday of Lent (of St. Gregory Palamas; Healing of the Paralytic of Capernaum); Ap. Hebrews I, 10-14; II, 1-3; VII, 26-28; VIII, 1-2; Heb. Mark II, 1-12; John X, 9-16; voice 6, voscr. 6
13 L
Bringing the relics of St. Jer. Nichifor, Patr. Constantinople (Post. No weddings)
14 M
St. Benedict of Nursia; St. Sanctified Mk. Alexander, Fr. of Pidna (Post. No weddings)
15 M
St. Agapius and Plisius, Timolau (Post. No weddings)
16 J
St. Sabin the Egyptian; St. Christ the Christ of Patmos (Lent. No weddings)
17 V
St. Alexis, the man of God (Lent. No weddings)
18 S
St. Jer. Cyril, archbishop. Jerusalem (Third Saturday of Lent - Commemoration of the Dead) (Release from Oil and Wine) No weddings)
19 D
St. Chrysanthus and Daria, Claudius and Ilaria; St. M. Marian diac. (Untying to oil and wine. There are no weddings) Third Sunday of Lent (of St. Crosses); Ap. Hebrews IV, 14-16; V, 1-6; Heb. Mark VIII, 34-38; IX, 1; voice 7, voscr. 7
20 L
St. St. St. Mc. Killed in St. John's Square. Sava the Sanctified (Lent. No weddings)
21 M
St. Jer. James Mart.; Sf. Cuv. Serapion; (Lent. No weddings)
22 M
St. Basil, Bishop of Ancira; St. McDrosida, daughter of imp. Trajan (Post. No weddings)
23 J
St. Nicon and his 199 disciples (Lent. No weddings)
24 V
Before the Feast of the Annunciation; St. Jer. Artemon, ep. Seleucia (Release from Oil and Wine. No weddings)
25 S
(†) The Annunciation (Blagoveștenia) (Loose fish). No weddings)
26 D
Odovania of the Feast of the Annunciation; The Council of St. Arch. Gavriil; St. Mc. Montanus, Fr., and his wife Maxima; St. 26 Mk. of Gothia. There are no weddings) Fourth Sunday of Lent (of St. John of the Ladder; Healing of the Lunatic Son; Sermon on the Mount - Beatitudes); Ap. Hebrews VI, 13-20; Ephesians V, 8-19; Heb. Mark IX, 17-32; Matthew IV, 25; V, 1-12; voice 8, voscr. 8
27 L
St. Mk. Matrona of Thessaloniki; St. Mk. Philit and Lydia, his wife, with their four sons (Post. No weddings)
28 M
St. Hilarion the New, Eg. St. Stephen, the Wonderworker (Lent. No weddings)
29 M
Holy Father St. Mark, ep. Aretuses and Cyril Diac.; Mk. Jonah and Varahisios (Denia of the Great Canon) (Lent. No weddings)
30 J
St. John of the Ladder; St. St. Euvula, mother of St. Pantelimon (Untieing Oil and Wine. No weddings)
31 V
Sanctified McIpatie, ep. Gangrei; St. Mark Benjamin, deacon. (Denia of the Akathist of the Annunciation) (Lent. No weddings)
Orthodox Calendar - April
(30 days; day has 13 hours, night 11 hours)
1 S
St. Mary of Egypt; St. M. Gherontie (Fifth Saturday of Lent - Commemoration of the Dead) (Release from Oil and Wine. No weddings)
2 D
St. Titus, the Wonderworker; M. Amphian and Edesie (Untying to Oil and Wine. There are no weddings) The Fifth Sunday of Lent (a Cuv. Mary of Egypt); Ap. Hebrews IX, 11-14; Galatians III, 23-29; Heb. Mark X, 32-45; Luke VII, 36-50; voice 1, voscr. 9
3 L
St. Nicetas the Confessor and Illyrius (Lent. No weddings)
4 M
St. Joseph the Hymnographer, George of Maleon and Zosima (Post. No weddings)
5 M
St.Mc. Theod and Agatopod; St. Victorin and those with him (Post. No weddings)
6 J
St. Irenaeus, ep. of Sirmium; St. Hierarch Eutyches, Patr. Constantinople; Sf. St. Gregory the Sinaite and Plato (Lk. No weddings)
7 V
St. Mc Caliopie; St. Ier. Gheorghe Mărt., ep. Mitylene (Post. No weddings)
8 S
St. Ap. Irodion, Agavus, Rufus, Phlegon, Asyncritus, and Ermis; St. Jer. Celestine, ep. Rome (Lazarus Saturday - Commemoration of the Dead) (Release from Oil and Wine. No weddings)
9 D
(Denia Sf. and the Great Moon) (Untie to fish. There are no weddings) (†) The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (the Sixth Sunday of Lent - the Palm Sunday); Ap. Philippians IV, 4-9; Heb. John XII, 1-18
10 L
St. and the Great Monday; St. M. Landtie, Pompeii, African, Maxim and Dima (Denia St. and Great Tuesday) (Only in the Evening, Bread and Water. No weddings)
11 M
St. and Great Tuesday; †) St. Ier. Calinic de la Cernica, ep. His service will be performed in advance on Palm Sunday; Sf. Sanctified Mc Antipas, ep. Asia's Pergamum (Denia and Great Wednesday) (Evening only, bread and water. No weddings)
12 M
St. and Great Wednesday; †) St. Mgr. Sava from Buzău (His service will be celebrated on Monday, the second day of Easter); St. Ier. Vasile Mărt., ep. Pariah (Denia Sf. and Great Thursday) (Evening only, bread and water. No weddings)
13 J
Holy and Great Thursday; St. Sanctified Mr. Artemon; St. M. Eleutherios the Persian (Denia of the 12 Gospels, St. Friday and Great Friday) (Release from Oil and Wine. No weddings)
14 V
St. and Great Friday - Removal of St. Air; †) St. Jer. Pachomius of Gledin, ep. The novel (His service will be celebrated on Tuesday, the third day of Easter); St. Jer. Martin Mart., ep. St. Thomas (Denia of the Prohod of the Lord, of St. and of the Great Saturday) (Alliturgical Day) (Lent). No weddings)
15 S
Holy and Great Saturday; St. Ap. Aristarchus, Pud and Trophimus; Sf. Crescent, M. (Untieing Oil and Wine. No weddings)
16 D
(No weddings) (†) The Resurrection of the Lord (Holy Pascha); Ap. Acts I, 1-8; Heb. John I, 1-17
17 L
(†) The second day of Easter (the testimony of John the Baptist); St. Sanctified McSimeon, ep. Persia (No weddings)
18 M
(†) The third day of Easter (The Road to Emmaus); St. St. John, the disciple. Gregory the Decapolite (No weddings)
19 M
St. John of the Old Lavra; St. Sanctified Mr. Paphnutius (Maps. No weddings)
20 J
† St. Teotim, ep. Tomisului; Sf. Sf. Sf. Teodor Trihina (No weddings)
21 V
†) The Source of Healing; †) Honoring Ic. M. D. Siriaca from M. Ghighiu; Sf. Sanctified Mr. January, ep. of Benevent; St. St. Theodore of Perga; St. M. Alexandra, imp. (Maps. No weddings)
22 S
St. Teodor Sicheotul, ep. Anastasiopolis (No weddings)
23 D
†) St. M. M. George, Victory Bearer; St. His Eminence Valerie the Second Sunday after Easter (St. Ap. Thomas); Ap. Acts XII, 1-11; Acts V, 12-20; Heb. John XV, 17-27; XVI, 1-2; John XX, 19-31; voice 1, voscr. 1
24 L
†) St. Jer. Mart. Ilie Iorest, Sava Brancovici and Simion Ștefan, Mithr. Transylvania; St. Joseph Mart. of Maramures; St. Joseph Mart. of Maramures; St. Joseph Mart. St. Pasicrat and St. Valentine; St. Elisabeth
25 M
†) St. Basil from Poiana Mărului; St. Ap. and Ev. Mark
26 M
Holy Father, Mr. Vasilevs, ep. Amasiei; Sf. Sf. Cuv. Glafira; † Sf. M. Cyril, Chindeus, and Tasius of Axiopolis (Cernavoda). No weddings)
27 J
St. Simeon, the Lord's kinsman, p. Jerusalem; St. Zinon, Mark and Aristarchus
28 V
St. Jason and Sosipatru; † St. Maximus, Quintilian, and Dadas of Ozovia. No weddings)
29 S
St. 9 Mc of Cizic; St. The Word. Memnon, the Wonderworker
30 D
St. James of Zebedee, brother of St. Ap. and Ev. John; Sf. Jer. Donat, ep. Hebrews Third Sunday after Pascha (of the Myrrhbearing Women); Ap. Acts VI, 1-7; Heb. Mark XV, 43-47; XVI, 1-8; voice 2, voscr. 4
Orthodox Calendar - May
(31 days; day 14 hours, night 10 hours)
1 L
St. Jeremiah the Prophet; St. St. Euthymius, Ignatius and Acacius
2 M
Bringing the relics of St. Jer. Athanasius the Great in Constantinople; †) St. Hier. Athanasius III (Patelarios), Patr. Constantinople; St. Matrona of Moscow
3 M
†) St. Herodion of Lainici; St. Timothy and his wife, Mavra (Untie the Fish). No weddings)
4 J
St. Mgr. Pelagia; St. St. Monica, mother Fer. Augustin
5 V
St. M. Mgr. Irina; St. St. Ephraim the New (Untie the Fish) No weddings)
6 S
St. and Righteous Job, the Long-suffering; St.
7 D
The appearance in the sky of the sign of St. Crosses in Jerusalem; St. Acacius and Codrat: Fourth Sunday after Easter (of the Paralytic of Vitezda); Ap. Acts IX, 32-42; Heb. John V, 1-15; voice 3, voscr. 5
8 L
†) St. Ap. and Ev. John the Theologian; St. Arsenios the Great
9 M
Holy Prophet Isaiah; St. M. Christophorus; Bringing the relics of St. Ier. Nicolae at Bari
10 M
The halving of the feast of Pentecost; Sf. Ap. Simon the Zealot (Untie to Fish. No weddings)
11 J
Sanctified St. McMochie pr.;St. Jer. Methodius and St. St. Cyril, Enlighteners of the Slavs
12 V
†) St. John of Wallachia; St. Hier. Epiphanius, Archbishop of Cyprus and Hermann, Patriarch of Constantinople (Untie to Fish. No weddings)
13 S
St. Mgr Glicheria; St. St. Sergius Mart.
14 D
St. Mgr. Isidore of Hios; St. Sanctified McTherapont, ep. Cyprus; Fifth Sunday after Easter (of Samaritan); Ap. Acts XI, 19-30; Heb. John IV, 5-42; voice 4, voscr. 7
15 L
St. Pachomius the Great; †) St. Ier. Iacob Putneanul, Metropolitan of Moldova
16 M
St. Theodore the Sanctified; †) St. Silas, Paisios and Nathan from Putna Hermitage
17 M
Odovania Halving of the Feast of Pentecost; Sf. Ap. Andronicus and his wife, Junia; Sf. St. Nektarios and Theophan (Untie the Fish) No weddings)
18 J
St. Peter, St. Dionysius and St. Paulinus
19 V
St. Patricia, Ep. Prusei (Untie the Fish. No weddings)
20 S
St. Mgr. Thalaleu; St. St. Thalassius; St. Lydia of Philippi
21 D
†) St. Imp., exactly with ap. Constantine and his mother, Helen the Sixth Sunday after Easter (of the blind man from birth); Ap. Acts XXVI, 1; 12-20; Acts XVI, 16-34; Heb. John X, 1-9; John IX, 1-38; voice 5, voscr. 8
22 L
St. Mgr. Vasilisc and Marcel; St. Fathers of the Second Ecumenical Council
23 M
St. Jer. Michael Mart., ep. Sinadei; Holy Myrrh-bearing Mary of Cleopa
24 M
Odovania of the feast of the Resurrection of the Lord; Sf. St. Symeon of the Wonderful Mountain (Untie the Fish) No weddings)
25 J
The Ascension of the Lord (The Atonement); The Day of Heroes; The Third Finding of the Head of St. John, the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord (No Weddings)
25 J
The Ascension of the Lord (The Atonement); The Day of Heroes; The Third Finding of the Head of St. John, the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord (No Weddings)
26 V
St. Carp and Alpheus; St. M. Averky and Elena (Untie the Fish. No weddings)
27 S
St. Julius the Veteran; St. Sanctify Mr. Eladie and Therapist, ep. Sardinia; St. Martyr John the Russian
28 D
St. Jer. Eutychia, ep. Melitin and Nichita, ep. the Chalcedon the Seventh Sunday after Easter Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council; Ap. Acts XX, 16-18; 28-36; Heb. John XVII, 1-13; voice 6, voscr. 10
29 L
St. Theodosia, Virgin; St. Sanctified Mc Olivian
30 M
St. Isaac the Martyr and Barlaam
31 M
Ermie, Eusebius, and Haralambos (Untie the Fish). No weddings)
Orthodox Calendar - June
(30 days; day has 15 hours, night 9 hours)
1 J
St. Justin the Martyr and the Philosopher and those with them
2 V
The dedication of the feast of the Ascension of the Lord; †) Sf. M. M. Ioan Nou from Suceava; St. Ier. Nicephorus, Patr. Constantinople (Untie to Fish. No weddings)
3 S
St. Luchilian, St. Hypatius and St. Paula the Virgin (Commemoration of the Dead - Summer Saints) (No weddings)
4 D
8th Sunday after Easter (No weddings) (†) Descent of St. Spirit (Pentecost or Pentecost); Ap. Acts II, 1-11; Heb. John VII, 37-53; VIII, 12
5 L
(†) Holy Trinity (No weddings)
6 M
St. Hilarion the New, Eg. M. Dalmaților; Sf. Cuv. Visarion
7 M
Hieromartyr Theodotos, ep. Ancirei; St. Mc Zenaida (Maps)
8 J
† St. Mgr. Nicandru and Marcian; Bringing the relics of St. M. Mc Teodor Stratilat
9 V
St. Jer. Cyril, archbishop. Alexandria (Maps)
10 S
The dedication of the feast of the Descent of St. Duh; St. Alexander and Antonina; St. Sanctified Mc Timothy, ep. Prussia
11 D
St. Bartholomew and Barnabas; St. St. Luke, Archbishop of Crimea Ap. Peter and Paul) Sunday I after Pentecost (of All Saints); Ap. Hebrews XI, 33-40; XII, 1-2; Heb. Matthew X, 32-35; 37-38; XIX, 27-30; voice 8, voscr. 1
12 L
St. Onuphrius the Great and St. Peter the Athonite (The Beginning of Lent) Ap. Peter and Paul) (Post. No weddings)
13 M
St. Mc. Achilina; St. Jer. Triphilius, ep. Lefcosia of Cyprus (Release from Oil and Wine. No weddings)
14 M
St. Elisha the Prophet; St. Methodius the Confessor, Patriarch of Constantinople (Lent. No weddings)
15 J
Holy Prophet Amos; † Holy St. Hesychius; Fer. Augustine and Jerome (Untying to Oil, Wine and Fish. No weddings)
16 V
St. Jer. Tikhon, ep. Amatundei; Sf. Sf. Sf. Sfinți Mc. Mark, ep. Apollonias (Post. No weddings)
17 S
Mgr. Manuil, Savel, Ismail, Innocent and Felix (Untie to Fish. No weddings)
18 D
St. Leontius, Hypatius and Theododosius; St. Erasm (Untie the Fish). There are no weddings) Second Sunday after Pentecost (of St. Romanian; Call of the First Apostles); Ap. Romans II, 10-16; Heb. Matthew IV, 18-23; voice 1, voscr. 2
19 L
St. Ap. Jude, kinsman of the Lord; St. St. Paisios the Great (Untie the Fish. No weddings)
20 M
Hieromartyr Methodius, Ep. Patarilor; Sf. Ier. Calist, pat. Constantinople (Release from Oil and Wine. No weddings)
21 M
St. Julian of Tarsus and Aphrodisius (Lent. No weddings)
22 J
†) St. Gregory the Teacher, Metropolitan Wallachia; Sf. Sf. Sfinat Mc. Eusebius, ep. Samosata (Untie the Fish. No weddings)
23 V
St. Mgr. Agrippina; St. Sanctified Mgr Aristocleus, Fr. (Post. No weddings)
24 S
(†) Birth of St. John the Baptist (Sânzienele); † Bringing the relics of St. M. Ioan Nou from Suceava; † Sf. Jer. Niceta de Remesiana; (Untie to fish. No weddings)
25 D
St. M. Mc Fevronia; St. Mgr. Orentie and his brothers; St. M. Livia (Untie the Fish. There are no weddings) Third Sunday after Pentecost (On the worries of life); Ap. Romans 5: 1-10; Heb. Matthew VI, 22-23; voice 2, voscr. 3
26 L
St. David of Thessaloniki; St. Jer. John, ep. Gothia (Post. No weddings)
27 M
St. Samson, Receiver of Strangers; St. Myrrh-bearing Joanna (Oil and wine absolution. No weddings)
28 M
Bringing the relics of St. Mc. Doctors without silver Kir and John; St. Mc Papias (Post. No weddings)
29 J
(†) St. Ap. Peter and Paul
30 V
† The Council of St. 12 Ap.; †) St. Gerasius of Râmeț (Untie the Fish. No weddings)
Orthodox Calendar - July
(31 days; day 14 hours, night 10 hours)
1 S
†) St. Leontios of Rădăuți; St. The Silver-Free Doctors, Cosmas and Damian of Rome
2 D
Placement of the garment of the Theotokos in the church of Vlaherne; †) St. Voivod Stephen the Great; Sf. Jer. Juvenaly, square of Jerusalem Fourth Sunday after Pentecost (Healing of the centurion's servant); Ap. Romans VI, 18-23; Heb. Matthew VIII, 5-13; John XVII, 1-13; voice 3, voscr. 4
3 L
St. Mc Iachint; St. Hier. Anatoly, Patr. Constantinople
4 M
St. Andrew, Archbishop. Crete; St Marta
5 M
† St. Athanasius the Athonite; St. Cuv. Lampadie (Post. No weddings)
6 J
St. Saint Sisoe the Great; St. Mgr Lucia of Rome
7 V
†)St. M. Mc. Chiriachi; St. St. Thomas of Maleon; St. Mk. Evangel (Lent. No weddings)
8 S
St. Procopius and his mother Theodosia; †) St. Epictetus the priest and Astion the monk
9 D
†) The veneration of the Mother of God "The Guide" from M. Neamț; Sf. Sanctify McPangratie, ep. Tavromenia Fifth Sunday after Pentecost (Healing of the Two Demonized in the Land of Gadara); Ap. Romans X, 1-10; Heb. Matthew VIII, 28-34; IX, 1; voice 4, voscr. 5
10 L
St. 45 of St. Mark of the Nicopolis of Armenia
11 M
St. M. M.C. Euphemia; St. Olga, the equal of Ap. and the skylight of Russia
12 M
†) The veneration of the Mother of God “Prodromita” from Mount Athos; St. Mc Proclu and Hilarie; Cuv. Mihai Maleinul; Sf. Veronica; Sf. St. Paisios the Hagiorite (Untie the Fish. No weddings)
13 J
Sobor St. Arch. Gavriil; St. St. Stephen the Savaite; St. Sarah
14 V
Sf. Ap. Achila; Sf. St. Justus and Heraclius; St. St. Nicodemus the Hagiorite (Post. No weddings)
15 S
St. Mc. Chiric and Iulita; St. Vladimir, Enlightener of Russia
16 D
His Holiness St. Atinoghen with his 10 disciples; St. Mgr. Iulia The 6th Sunday after Pentecost (of St. Fathers of the Fourth Ecumenical Council; Healing of the Paralytic of Capernaum; Jesus' Prayer); Ap. Romans XII, 6-14; Heb. Matthew IX, 1-8; voice 5, voscr. 6
17 L
St. M. Mc. Marina; St. Jer. Euphrasius, ep. Ionopolei
18 M
†) St. Emilian of Durostorum (Ostrov); St. Pamvo
19 M
St Macrina, Sister of St Macrina. Vasile cel Mare; Sf. Cuv. Die; Finding the relics of St. St. Seraphim of Sarov (Post. No weddings)
20 J
†) Saint Elias the Glorious Prophet Thessaly
21 V
St. Simeon and St. John the Hermit; St. Prophet Ezekiel; †) St. Raphael and Partenie, from Agapia Veche (Post. No weddings)
22 S
St. Myrrhbearer, equal to Ap., Mary Magdalene; St. St. Mark the Elder
23 D
Bringing the relics of the holy mc. Seal; St. Apollinarius, St. Vitaly, and St. Valeria Seventh Sunday after Pentecost (Healing of Two Blind Men and a Mute from Capernaum); Ap. Romans XV, 1-7; Heb. Matthew IX, 27-35; John XVII, 1-13; voice 6, voscr. 7
24 L
St. M. Mgr. Hristina; St. Mgr. Ermoghen
25 M
The Dormition of St. Anne, Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos; St. Fathers of the Fifth Ecumenical Council; Eupraxia and the Olympics
26 M
St. Sanctified Mr. Ermolae; St. St. Paraskevi of Rome; †) St. St. John the New of Muscel (Arges) (Post. No weddings)
27 J
† St. M. Mc and Healer Pantelimon
28 V
Ap. and Deacon. Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon and Parmenas; Sf. Paul of Xiropotamu (Post. No weddings)
29 S
St. Mgr Calinic, Veniamin and Mamant; St. Mk. Theodota with his sons
30 D
St. Silas, Silvanus, Crescentus, Epenetus and Andronicus; St. St. Valentine, ep. Umbria 8th Sunday after Pentecost (Bread multiplication); Ap. I Corinthians I, 10-17; Heb. Matthew XIV, 14-22; voice 7, voscr. 8
31 L
Before the Feast of the Removal of the Holy Cross; Saint and Righteous Eudocimus; Saint and Righteous Joseph of Arimathea
Orthodox Calendar - August
(31 days; day has 13 hours, night 11 hours)
1 M
Removal of the Holy Cross; St. 7 brothers Maccabees (The Beginning of the Fast of the Dormition of the Mother of God) (Release from Oil and Wine) No weddings)
2 M
Bringing the relics of St. First Mc and Arch. Stephen; Gamaliel the Righteous; The Faithful Im. Justinian the Great (Post. No weddings)
3 J
St. Isaac, Dalmatian and Faust; St. Myrrh-bearing Salome; St. Theodora of Thessalonica (Post. No weddings)
4 V
St. 7 young men of Ephesus; St. M. Tatuil (Post. No weddings)
5 S
Before the Transfiguration of the Lord; †) St. St. John Jacob of Neamț; St. St. Evsignie; St. Nona, mother of St. Hier. Gregory the Theologian; St. Jer. Fabian, ep. Rome (Untieing Oil and Wine. No weddings)
6 D
(†) The Transfiguration of the Lord (Pobrejenia) (Undoing to the Fish). There are no weddings. II Peter I, 10-17; Heb. Matthew XVII, 1-9; voice 8, voscr. 9
7 L
†) St. Theodora of Sihla; †) St. Sf. Paphnutius - Pârvu the Painter; Sf. Sr. St. Dometie the Persian; St. Sanctified mr. Narcissus, archeologist. St. Nicanor (Lent. No weddings)
8 M
St. Jer. Emilian Mart., ep. Cizic and Miron, ep. Crete (Post. No weddings)
9 M
St. Matthias Ap.; St. 10 Mk. The Icon of Christ (Post. No weddings)
10 J
St. Lawrence, archbishop.; Saints Holiness Mc Xist, ep. of Rome; St. McIpolit (Lent. No weddings)
11 V
†) St. Jer. Nifon, Pat. of Constantinople; St. Mk. Evplu, archbishop. (Post. No weddings)
12 S
St. Photius and Anichit (Untieing Oil and Wine) No weddings)
13 D
Odovania of the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord; Relocation of the relics of St. St. Maximus Mart.; St. St. Dorotheus and Dositheus (Untying to Oil and Wine. There are no weddings on the 10th Sunday after Pentecost (The Healing of the Lunatic); Ap. I Corinthians IV, 9-16; Heb. Matthew XVII, 14-23; voice 1, voscr. 10
14 L
The Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God; Sf. Prophet Micah (Prohodul M. D.) (Post. No weddings)
15 M
Dormition of the Mother of God (No weddings)
16 M
Bringing St. Mahrame of the Lord from Edessa to Constantinople; †) St. Brancoveni Martyrs: Constantin Voievod with his four sons: Constantin, Ștefan, Radu and Matei, and counselor Ianache; †) Sf. St. Joseph of Văratec; St. Mc Diomid (Post. No weddings)
17 J
†) St. George the Pilgrim; St. Mc Miron pr., Straton and Ciprian
18 V
St. Florus and the Lavra (Lent. No weddings)
19 S
St. Andrew Stratilat, Timothy, Agapios and Thecla
20 D
St. Samuel the Prophet; St. Severe, Eliodor and Teoharie 11th Sunday after Pentecost (The Parable of the Merciless Debtor); Ap. I Corinthians IX, 2-12; Heb. Matthew XVIII, 23-35; voice 2, voscr. 11
21 L
Sf. Ap. Tadeu; Sf. Mk. Vasa, with her sons; † Sf. Mr. Donat Diac, Rum pr., Silvan diac. and Venust
22 M
St. Mgr Agatonic and those with them
23 M
The confession of the feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God; † St. Mc Wolf; Sf. Sf. Sf. Sf. Mc. Irenaeus, ep. of Lugdunum (Lyons) (Post. No weddings)
24 J
St. Eutyches; St. Tation
25 V
Bringing the relics of St. Ap. Bartholomew; St. Titus (Post. No weddings)
26 S
St. Adrian and Natalia, his wife
27 D
St. Pimen the Great; St. McFanurie; Sf. Ier. Axis, ep. Cordobei Sunday XII after Pentecost (The Rich Young Man); Ap. I Corinthians XV, 1-11; Heb. Matthew XIX, 16-26; voice 3, voscr. 1
28 L
St. Moses the Ethiopian; Righteous Hezekiah
29 M
(†) Beheading of the Holy Prophet John the Baptist; Acts XIII, 25-33 (Oil and Wine Removal). No weddings)
30 M
†) St. Jer. Varlaam, metr. Moldavia and Ioan de la Râșca and Secu, ep. Romanului; Sf. Ier. Ioan, Pavel cel Nou și Alexandru, patr. Constantinople (Post. No weddings)
31 J
The Relocation of the Honourable Belt of the Mother of God
Orthodox Calendar - September
(30 days; day has 12 hours, night 12 hours)
1 V
† The beginning of the ecclesiastical year; † St. St. Dionysius the Exiguus (the Unmerited); St. St. Simeon the Stylite (Tedeum - Church New Year) (Lent. No weddings)
2 S
St. Mc Mamant; St. St. John the Postman, Patr. Constantinople
3 D
Sanctified McAntim, ep. Nicomedia; St. Theoctistos of Palestine; †) St. Neophyte and Meletius of Stânișoara 13th Sunday after Pentecost (The Parable of the Evil Workers); Ap. I Corinthians XVI, 13-24; Heb. Matthew XXI, 33-44; voice 4, voscr. 2
4 L
Holy Father Vavila, ep. Antioch; St. Moses the Prophet; St. Petronius the Great
5 M
St. Zechariah the Prophet and St. Elizabeth the Righteous, Fathers of St. John the Baptist
6 M
Commemoration of the Miracle of St. Arch. Michael in Colossae; St. M. Eudoxie; (Post. No weddings)
7 J
Before the Feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God; Sf. Mc. Sozont; †) Sf. Cuv. Simeon and Amphilochios of Pangarati (No weddings)
8 V
The Nativity of the Mother of God (Untie the Fish) No weddings)
9 S
Holy and righteous Fathers Joachim and Anna; †) Holy Cuv. Chiriac de la Tazlău; †) Sf. St. Onuphrius of Vorona; St. Fathers of the Third Ecumenical Council (Saturday before the Ascension of the Holy Cross)
10 D
St. Mgr. Minodora, Metrodora and Nymphodora; St. The Sunday before the Ascension. Crosses (Conversation of Jesus with Nicodemus); Ap. Galatians VI, 11-18; Heb. John III, 13-17; voice 5, voscr. 3
11 L
St. Theodora of Alexandria; St. Cuv. Eufrosin The Cook
12 M
Odovania Feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God; Sf. Mk. Avtonom, Macedonius and Theododos
13 M
Before the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross; The Annunciation of the Church of the Resurrection in Jerusalem; St. Sanctify Mr. Corneliu Sutasul and Ciprian, ep. Carthage; †) St. John of Prislop; † St. M.C. from Dobrogea: Macrobie, Gordian, Elijah, Zotic, Lucian and Valerian (Post. No weddings)
14 J
(†) The Exaltation of the Holy Cross; St. New mc macarie, patr apprentice. Niphon (Oil and wine loosening. No weddings)
15 V
†) St. Joseph the New from Partoș, metr. Banatului; † Sf. M. Mc. Nikita; † St. Jer. Visarion, archbishop. Larisa (Post. No weddings)
16 S
St. M. M.C. Euphemia; St. M. Meletina and Ludmila (Saturday after the Ascension of the Holy Cross)
17 D
†) St. Jer. Dionysius, ep. The White City - Ismail; Sf. M. Sophia and his daughters: Pistis, Elpis and Agapi Sunday after the Ascension of St. Crosses (taking up the Cross and following Christ); Ap. Galatians II, 16-20; Heb. Mark VIII, 34-38; IX, 1; voice 6, voscr. 4
18 L
St. Jer. Eumenie, ep. Gortina; St. Mc Ariadna
19 M
St. Mark Trophimus, Savathius and Dorimedontus
20 M
Eustathius and his wife, Theopista, with their two sons: Agapius and Theopista (Post. No weddings)
21 J
Odovania of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross; Ap. Codrat; St. Jonah the Prophet
22 V
†) St. Theodosius of Brazi, Metropolitan Moldavia; Sf. Sf. Sfinți Mc. Seal, ep. of Sinope (Post. No weddings)
23 S
The Conception of the Holy Prophet John the Baptist; Xantipa and Polyxenia
24 D
The first mc, with ap. Thekla, St. Silouan the Athonite 18th Sunday after Pentecost (Wonderful Fishing); Ap. II Corinthians IX, 6-11; Heb. Luke V, 1-11; voice 7, voscr. 5
25 L
Sf. St. Euphrosyne; Sf. St. Paphnuty the Egyptian; St. Sergius of Radonezh
26 M
†) Moving St. Ap. and Ev. John; †) St. Voivode Neagoe Basarab; Right Gideon
27 M
†) St. Martyr Antim Ivireanul, Mithr. Wallachia; St. Mc. Calistratus and Epihariah (Post. No weddings)
28 J
† St. Hariton Mart.; Sf. Prophet Baruch; Sf. Neophyte the Recluse of Cyprus
29 V
St. Kiriac the Hermit; St. Mc. Petronia (Post. No weddings)
30 S
St. Gregory the Illuminator, Archbishop. Armenia; St. Mc Ripsimia and Gaiani
Orthodox Calendar - October
(31 days; day has 11 hours, night 13 hours)
1 D
(†) The Protection of the Mother of God; Sf. Ap. Anania; Sf. Cuv. Roman Melodul; †) Sf. Cuv. Chiriac and Joseph from Bisericani Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost (Sermon on the Mount - the love of enemies); Ap. Philippians II, 5-11; Acts IX, 10-19; II Corinthians XI, 31-33; XII, 1-9; Heb. Luke X, 33-42; XI, 27-28; Luke X, 16-21; Luke VI, 31-36; voice 8, voscr. 6
2 L,
St. Cyprian; St. Cyprian Mc Iustina Virgo
3 M
St. Holiness St. Dionysios the Areopagite; St. Theoctistos
4 M
St. Hierotheos, ep. Athens (Post. No weddings)
5 J
St. Mc Haritina; †) St. Cuv. Misail and Daniil from M. Turnu
6 V
Sf. Ap. Toma; Sf. M. Erotiida (Post. No weddings)
7 S
† St. M. Mgr. Sergius and Vah; St. Mgr. Iulian Pr., Chesarie diac. and Polychronie
8 D
St. Pelagia and St. Thais Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost (Resurrection of the Son of the Widow of Nain); Ap. Galatians I, 11-19; Heb. Luke VII, 11-16; voice 2, voscr. 8
9 L
St. James of Alphaeus; St. Cuv. Atanasia, Andronicus and Anastasia
10 M
St. Evlampie and his sister, Evlampia; St. Vasian and Theophilos Mart.
11 M
St. Philip, one of the seven deacons.; St. Jer. Theophanes Mart., ep. Nicaea (Post. No weddings)
12 J
St. Mc Prov., Tarah and Andronicus; St. Jer. Cosma, ep. Maiumei
13 V
† Bringing the relics of St. Ap. Andrei at Iași; Sf. Mc Carp, Papil, Agatodorus, Agatonica and Florentia (Post. No weddings)
14 S
†) St. Paraskeva of Iași; St. Mgr Nazarius, Ghervasie, Protasius and
15 D
St. McLuchian, Fr. of Antioch The 21st Sunday after Pentecost (of St. Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council; Parable of the Sower; Prayer of Jesus); Ap. Galatians II, 16-20; Titus III, 8-15; Heb. Luke VIII, 5-15; John XVII, 1-13; voice 1, voscr. 7
16 L
St. McLonghin the centurion
17 M
St. Osseea the Prophet; St. Senior Lecturer Andrei Criteanul
18 M
St. Ap. and Ev. St. Mark the Elder (Lent. No weddings)
19 J
St. Joel the Prophet; St. M. Uar; St. Cleopatra; St. St. John of Rila;
20 V
St. M. McArtemie; St. Gerasimus of Chephalonia (Post. No weddings)
21 S
†) St. Martyr Visarion and Sophrony; St. Mc. Oprea; Sf. Pr. John of Galeș and Moses Macinic of Sibiel; St. St. Hilarion the Great
22 D
St. Jer. Averky, ep. Hierapolis; St. 7 young people from Ephesus; the 23rd Sunday after Pentecost (Healing of the Demonized from the Land of the Gergesens); Ap. Ephesians II, 4-10; Heb. Luke VIII, 26-39; voice 3, voscr. 9
23 L
St. James, kinsman of the Lord, first ep. of Jerusalem; St. Cuv. Macarie Romanul
24 M
St. M. Mc. Areta; St. Mark, Sotirih and Valentine
25 M
St. Mgr. Marcian and Martyr; St. Tavita (Post. No weddings)
26 J
†) St. M. Dimitrie, Myrrh-streamer
27 V
†) St. Demetrius the New, Protector of Bucharest, whose relics are in the Patriarchal Cathedral; St. M. Nestor (Post. No weddings)
28 S
† St. Jer. Iachint, metr. Wallachia; St. Mc. Terentius, his wife Neonila and their 7 sons: Nita, Sarvil, Jerax, Theod, Fota, Vilios and Evnichi; St. Jer. Firmilian, ep. Caesarea of Cappadocia;
29 D
St. M. M. Anastasia Romana; St. St. Abramius and Mary, his niece Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost (Resurrection of the Daughter of Jairus); Ap. Ephesians II, 14-22; Heb. Luke VIII, 41-56; voice 4, voscr. 10
30 L
His Holiness, Mr. Zenovie, ep. Cilicia and its sister Zenovia; St. Cleopas
31 M
St. Apelie, Stachy, Amplitude, Urban, Aristobulus and Narcissus; St. Mc Epimah
Orthodox Calendar - November
(30 days; day has 10 hours, night 14 hours)
1 M
The Silver-Free Doctors Cosmas and Damian of Asia (Post. No weddings)
2 J
St. Achindin, Pygasius, Aftonie, Elpifidorus and Anempodist
3 V
St. Mgr. Achepsima ep., Joseph pr. and Aitala diac.; Settlement of the relics of St. M. Mc. George in Lida (Post. No weddings)
4 S
Sf. Sf. Sf. Ioanichie cel Mare; Sf. - George Mart. of Drama (Remembrance of the Dead - Autumn Saints)
5 D
22nd Sunday after Pentecost (The Merciless Rich Man and Poor Lazarus); Ap. Galatians VI, 11-18; Heb. Luke XVI, 19-31; voice 5, voscr. 11
6 L
St. Paul Mart., p. Constantinople; St. Luke of Sicily
7 M
33 of St. Mark of Melitina; St. St. Lazarus of the Mount of Galicia
8 M
†) The Sobor of St. Arch. Michael and Gabriel and all the heavenly powers
9 J
†) St. Jer. Nectarios Thaumaturgus of Aegina; St. M. Claudius, Castor, Sempronian and Nicostratus; St. Onesiphorus and Porphyrios; St. Matrona
10 V
St. Olympus, Rhodion, Sosipater, Erastus, Tertius and Quart; St. Mc Orest (Post. No weddings)
11 S
† St. M. Mc. Mina; St. Mgr. Victor, Vichentie and Ștefanida; Sf. Teodor Studitul
12 D
St. John the Merciful, Pat. of Alexandria; †) St. Martyrs and Martyrdom. Năsăudeni: Atanasie Todoran from Bichigiu, Vasile from Mocod, Gregory from Zagra and Vasile from Telciu; Sf. St. Nilus the Hermit Sunday, 25th after Pentecost (Parable of the Good Samaritan); Ap. Ephesians IV, 1-7; Heb. Luke X, 25-37; voice 6, voscr. 1
13 L
†) St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop. Constantinople and its Mother, St. Antuza
14 M
St. Philip one of the Twelve Apostles; St. Hierarch Gregory Palamas, archbishop. Thessaloniki (The Old Testament for the Nativity Fast)
15 M
†) St. Paisios of Neamț; St. Mc and Mart. Gurius, Samona and Aviv, deacon. (The beginning of the Nativity of the Lord) (Lent. No weddings)
16 J
St. Ap. and Ev. Matthew (Release from Oil and Wine) No weddings)
17 V
St. Gregory Thaumaturgus, ep. Neocezăi Pontului and Ghenadiei, patr. Constantinople; St. Lazarus the Painter (Lent. No weddings)
18 S
Plato, Roman, and Zacchaeus (Untieing Oil and Wine) No weddings)
19 D
St. Avdie the Prophet; St. Barlaam, M. (Untieing Oil and Wine. There are no weddings) The twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost (the parable of the rich man to whom the czarina bore fruit); Ap. Ephesians V, 9-19; Heb. Luke XII, 16-21; voice 7, voscr. 2
20 L
Before the Feast of the Entrance into the Church of the Mother of God; †) St. St. Gregory the Decapolite; † St. M. Dasie; St. Jer. Proclus, Archbishop of Constantinople; (Post. No weddings)
21 M
(†) Entry into the Church of the Mother of God (Vovidenia) (Untie to Fish). No weddings)
22 M
St. Philemon, Archippus, Onesimus and Apphia; St. M. Cecilia (Post. No weddings)
23 J
† St. Anthony of Iezer Valcea; St. Jer. Amphilochius, ep. Iconium and Gregory, ep. Acragandelor (Untie the fish. No weddings)
24 V
St. Clement, Ep. In Rome and Peter, Ep. Alexandria (Post. No weddings)
25 S
Odovania Feast of the Entrance into the Church of the Mother of God; † Sf. M. Ecaterina; Sf. M. M. Mercurie (Untie the Fish. No weddings)
26 D
St. Philip the Stylite, Nicon, and Stylianos the Flagman. There are no weddings) The thirtieth Sunday after Pentecost (The Rich Ruler - keeping the commandments); Ap. Colossians III, 12-16; Ev. Luke XVIII, 18-27; voice 8, voscr. 3
27 L
St. M. James the Persian; St. Nathanael and Pinufri (Post. No weddings)
28 M
St. Stephen the New; St. Irinarch, M. (Untieing Oil and Wine. No weddings)
29 M
St. Mgr. Paramon and Philumen; St. St. Pitirun (Lent. No weddings)
30 J
†) St. Andrew the First-Called, Protector of Romania; † St. Ier. Andrei Șaguna, mitr. Transylvania; St. Jer. Frumentie, ep. Ethiopia (Untie the Fish. No weddings)
Orthodox Calendar - December
(31 days; day has 9 hours, night 15 hours)
1 V
St. Nahum the Prophet; St. St. Philaret the Merciful (Tedeum - National Day of Romania) (Post. No weddings)
2 S
St. Prophet Avacum; St. St. Porphyrios the Chrysokalivite; St. Jer. Solomon, Archbishop of Ephesus (Untie to Fish. No weddings)
3 D
†) St. George of Cernica and Căldărușani; St. Sofonie the prophet (Untie the Fish) There are no weddings) XXXI-th Sunday after Pentecost (Healing of the Blind in Jericho); Ap. 1 Timothy 1:15 -17; Heb. Luke 18:35 -43; voice 1, voscr. 4
4 L
† St. M. Mgr. Varvara; St. St. John of Damascus (Untie the Fish) No weddings)
5 M
†) St. Saint Sava the Sanctified; St. M. Anastasius (Untie the Fish. No weddings)
6 M
†) St. Nicholas, archbishop. The Bridegroom of Lichia, the Wonderworker (Untie the Fish) No weddings)
7 J
†) St. Mgr. Filofteia from Curtea de Argeș; St. Hier. Ambrose, ep. Mediolanului (Milan) (Untie to fish. No weddings)
8 V
St. Patapius; St. Ap. Caesar, Tychicus and Onesiphorus (Post. No weddings)
9 S
The Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Anna, the mother of the Prophet Samuel (Untie the Fish). No weddings)
10 D
Mgr Mina, Ermoghen and Evgraf (Untie the Fish) There are no weddings) The twenty-seventh Sunday after Pentecost (Healing of the Browish Woman); Ap. Ephesians VI, 10-17; Heb. Luke XIII, 10-17; voice 2, voscr. 5
11 L
St. Daniel the Stylite and St. Luke the New (Lent. No weddings)
12 M
†) St. Jer. Spiridon, ep. They send forth a miracle-worker. No weddings)
13 M
†) St. Dosoftei, metr. Moldova; † Sf. M. Mc. Eustratius, Auxentios, Eugenios, Mardarius, and Orestus; St. Lucia, Virgin of Syracuse (Untieing Oil and Wine) No weddings)
14 J
St. Tirs, Calinic, Philemon, and Apollonius (Oil and Wine Release). No weddings)
15 V
Sanctified McElfterie, Ep. Illyria; St. McAntia and Susanna; St. St. Paul of Latro (Post. No weddings)
16 S
Holy Prophet Haggai; Holy Theophany, imp. (Untie to fish. No weddings)
17 D
The Prophet Daniel and St. Three Young Men: Ananias, Azariah, and Misail. There are no weddings) Sunday the XXVIIIth after Pentecost (of St. Ancestors; Parable of those invited to dinner); Ap. Colossians III, 4-11; Ev. Luke XIV, 16-24; voice 3, voscr. 6
18 L
†) St. Daniel the Hermit; St. M. Sebastian and Zoe; St. Jer. Modest, Archbishop of Jerusalem (Untie to Fish. No weddings)
19 M
St. Mc Bonifatie; St. St. Aglaia, St. Jer. Grichentie, ep. Ethiopia; (Untying to oil and wine. No weddings)
20 M
Before the Feast of the Nativity of the Lord; St. Sanctified Mc Ignatius the Theophore, ep. Antioch (Lent. No weddings)
21 J
St. Juliana of Nicomedia; St. Themistocles (Untying to Oil and Wine) No weddings)
22 V
†) St. Peter Movila, metr. Kiev; Sf. M. Mc. Anastasia (Alliturgical Day) (Only in the evening, boiled wheat sweetened with honey, bread, pretzels or flour cakes. No weddings)
23 S
St. 10 Mc of Crete; St. Jer. Paul, Archbishop of Neo-Azaree (Saturday before the Nativity of the Lord) (Release from Oil and Wine). No weddings)
24 D
St. Eugenia (Christmas Eve) (Untieing Oil and Wine) There are no weddings on the Sunday before the Nativity of the Lord. Fathers according to the flesh of the Lord; the genealogy of the Saviour); Ap. Hebrews XI, 9-10; 32-40; Heb. Matthew I, 1-25; voice 4, voscr. 7
25 L
(†) Nativity (Christmas) (No weddings)
26 M
The second day of Christmas; †) The Council of the Mother of God; †) St. St. Nicodemus the Sanctified of Tismana; St. Sanctified McEuthymius, ep. Sardines (No weddings)
27 M
The third day of Christmas; †) St. Ap., the first Mc. and Arch. Ștefan; Sf. Sf. Sf. Teodor Mărt. (Maps. No weddings)
28 J
St. 20,000 Mk. burned in Nicomedia (No weddings)
29 V
St. 14,000 infants killed at the behest of Herod; St. St. Mark and Thaddeus (Maps. No weddings)
30 S
St. Anisia the Virgin; St. St. Theodora of Caesarea; St. St. Leo, archim. (Saturday after the Nativity of the Lord) (No weddings)
31 D
Odovania Feast of the Nativity of the Lord; Sf. Cuv. Melania Romana; Sf. M. Hermes (The service on the night of the passing of the years) (No weddings) Sunday after the Nativity of the Lord (of St. Joseph, fiancé of the Virgin Mary, St. David the Prophet and St. Jacob, kinsman of the Lord; flight to Egypt); Ap. Galatians I, 11-19; Heb. Matthew II, 13-23; voice 5, voscr. 8
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The deeds of Christian mercy
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The guidance of the Orthodox faith has its roots in the teachings of the Holy Scriptures, the Holy Tradition and the Church Fathers. Provides a way for believers to grow in their relationship with God and live a life of holiness and virtue.